Chic Chiffonier had a rather indulgent Glastonbury encounter, Isle of Wight was amaze, and roll on the Big Chill this weekend!
CC over the years has learned to classify and define a outrageously fun time by losing something, so it was with a little dismay, but with full knowledge of a bloody good time, did CC wake up on the bus back from Glastonbury with one foot looking more obscure than t'other. It would appear one foot seemed to have a shoe MIA.
Dilemma! What's a girl to do about festival appropriate footwear? CAT has a clue. Famed for industrial mechanics, their on-trend boots speak to me in a way like no other.

The Neosha - £69.99
Step aside Pocahontas. Tick trends galore with this fringed, tribal number from CAT.