So, revelation, the fashion world is a flutter as Sex and the City returns on the big screen. Being a traitor to my friends isn't in my nature, but Carrie and Co. are different people. Charactured to the max and a walking advert for brands they 'Executively Consult' for or whatever, they aren't the gals they used to be. It may have sealed the deal when I did one of those SATC quizzes. The outcome of which cited me as Charlotte. Charlotte? WTF??! I've always considered myself a hybrid of them all, but if I decide to embrace la quiz and fully Charlotte-ise myself, this will be my first port of call from Gant. Uber cute!

It's all haute-y and shiny these days, with clothes too aspirational and the girls have lost their way from those characters I idolised and considered fictional friends. From SATC 2, the only part which I truly got all aflutter was the opening flashback scene. Carrie's channelling of Madonna and 80's prom dresses made my heart go pitty-pat. Check out Eucalyptus Clothing for an affordable GTL.

So what with the out-of-my-price-range outfits, piss-poor plot and punchlines, the only character I'm giving the time of day to is the fifth lady of the show, Stanford. With his self-effacing charm, adorable outfits, and gay galpal confidante credentials, it had everyone seeking a 'Stanford' back in the day.
If you're lucky enough to have one, cherish. In an homage to the show that was fabulous in its day, but like all Hollywood broads has been pulled and stretched too far, take a cocktail or two and hit the highstreet for treats....

Paul Costelloe suit www.paulcostelloeman.co.uk

Lambretta shirt
As it's summer, swimwear for Stanford is a must. There's lots to chose from, but a kitch classic is the Speedo. You may want to draw inspiration from a scene in the film featuring a series of hot men...

Models not included with purchase...